Friday, January 27, 2012

Second Session- January 27, 2012

Another great afternoon was had by all 26 girls who attended today!    We learned a new cheer and 2 more 8 counts of our Baby dance.  We ended our time together with the Cupid Shuffle and the Chicken Dance!  How much fun!  The girls did an excellent job! 

Thanks also to those of you who sent in photo/video permissions.  
Note about pictures:  I had 17 girls turn in their permissions, but only 10 of the forms made it to the gym.  I did, however, find the other 7 when I went back to my classroom.  I promise that all girls that have turned in permissions will have a picture on the blog this week.  Check back often!

Mrs. Willett

Just a Reminder- Don't forget your daughter should wear tennis shoes to every session.  She may also change her clothes before club time if she would like.

New Cheer-Are the Best
Walnut Grove

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