Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Session- January 20, 2012

The girls (all 24 of them in attendance) had a great time!  We learned proper stretching, practiced jumps, and learned new arm positions.  The girls also learned a new cheer.  The WGS cheer was a hit!  We ended our session with our dance. We learned the first 2-eight counts.  The girls danced and sang their hearts out.  Who knew they loved Justin Bieber so much?!? Make sure to practice, practice, practice and we will see you again next Friday!  Have a great week! 

Mrs. Willett

Parents & Girls-Please join and follow our blog to get up-to-date information on your favorite 21st Century Club!  Also, don't forget to return photo permissions so I can post pictures and videos of all the fun!

Go Bulldogs!

Here's What We Worked on This Week...

Toe Touch
Heel Stretch

Arm Positions
Hands on Hips
High V                                                           
Low V
Right Punch
Left Punch

Cheer- WGS
Who are we?

Justin Bieber's Baby

1 comment:

  1. Great Job!!!!! Can't wait to see what all the girls learn and see all the pictures of them learning it and really can't wait to see the performance. Mallory is really excited!!!! So she's got me excited!!!! Let's GO WGS!!!!

    LeAnne Russell
